Friday, July 30, 2010

Outdoor Quilt Show Mini Album

This is the book I made with my design "Never Lose a Tag."   I made it with the annual quilt show in mind.  My mom and I try  to go every year.  It is always amazing and this year was no exception.  It is in Sisters, Oregon, about 3 hours from where we live.  Click on this link to check it out
I filled the book with some of my favorite pictures from the event.  That lady there in the second picture, that is my beautiful Mommy!
The Elvis quilt was very cool!
All of the stores in the center of town are adorned with these beautiful quilts.  The bed was in a gift shop.
The Double Wedding favorite!
The pharmacy counter is decorated with quilts.  The "Beer Cave" was in a mini-market.  I thought it was too funny to not have a picture of it. I think my husband wishes he had one!
I put a label on the back that you are supposed to sew onto garments that you have made, but thought it was fitting for this book.

Thanks for checking it out!

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