Saturday, November 20, 2010

We received a blog award!

What a nice surprise!  Thanks to Jean, of Jean's Crafty Corner for the wonderful award!
Please go and check out her blog, she was some wonderful creations to share with us!

So, when you accept the award, you must:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

So, here it goes!

This is hard to do, narrowing it down to 8 bloggers, because there are many many many that we love to look at for creative inspiration, but these are some wonderful blogs that we want to share with you...

Now, for 8 things about Jackie and Michelle...

1.  We are both operating room nurses, and that is how we met.
2.  Michelle has to dachshunds, Ace and Zeke.
3.  We both love to cook.
4.  Between the two of us, we have 6 kids (4 girls and 2 boys), and one grandson.
5.  Our favorite drinks are Mojitos and Margaritas.
6.  We both enjoy watching scary movies.
7.  Jackie really loves to go fishing.
8.  Michelle enjoys riding her Harley Davidson. 

Thanks again for the award!!!  I hope you all have fun checking out these blogs!



  1. Thanks for the award! I am extremely glad I found your site too especially with all these amazing projects.


  2. Thanks again for the Award!! So exciting!

  3. Oh, wow!!! I am so honored; thank you so very much!!

  4. Thanks so much ladies!! You are both wonderful!

