Monday, January 23, 2012

Daily Junque Journal

You all remember this... is getting full!
 I have been putting all kinds of stuff in it.  It is fun, and addictive.
 I found the lemon picture in a magazine...I wrote, "When life gives you lemon... ADD VODKA!
 One night I got my vintage folder with a ton of stuff I collected a long time ago, and did a collage page. I really didn't think about it, just glued stuff down.
 This is a "to do" list I did for a week.  I decided it needed to be in here.
The "art" is just a paper I had, and liked it, so it is here now.  I cut the "memories" title from a magazine, along with the exclamation mark, and smashed in the packaging from the candles I put on Jake's cake.
 I have two adorable Dachshund  babies,  so this page is for them.  The picture isn't mine, I found it on the net.
 More magazine clippings...
Here are ideas from the net, from magazines...Here for future reference.

That's just some of the stuff I have been doing.  I also have been putting all sorts of clippings and such for projects I want to do, decorations and furnishings I love, quotes that are funny, etc.  I love to just look through it every once in a while.  It has turned into a daily junque/smash/inspiration/art journal.  Whatever I like goes in.

Stay crafty, my friends!


  1. I saw this on pinterest - it's so inspiring! Looks like tons of fun!

  2. Me too! Came over from Pinterest - and love this! I'm a new fan ;) Kristin xo

  3. I saw this on Pinterest as well. I think I OVER think too much! Your ideas here are so much fun! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I was trying to find a blog entry that showed what type of book you created this from, but I can't seem to find it. Could you point me in the right direction please? Thanks so much!

  5. Thank you all for the kind comments!!! I really appreciate it!!! Lindy, you asked what kind of book this was, and it is a composition book. The original post is here...
    the link to the video I found on You Tube is in this post so you can see how I made it. I hope that helps!!!

  6. I recently started a similar journal...after several years
    Of wondering "what the heck" is journaling is all about?
    I made my journal...lots of pages...all colors of
    Papers...turned out very thick and "daunting"!!!
    I still was saying..."what do I do?...I just took a leap
    Of faith and dove right in. From that point on I just
    Found all kinds of things I had tucked away...added
    Them to my journal...two months laterit is 3/4 full!
    I love it...yours sounded somewhat similar to mine...
    Thanks for your post!

  7. I love these kinds of books...just haven't a clue as to what I would do with one! But, I am making something similar ...a family cookbook for my grand daughters of my favorite recipes. I would like to refer to your post here when I talk about junk journals and smash books on my blog, if you would allow!

  8. Your blog is SOOOOOO inspirational. I have been "meaning" to start one of these junk journals.... I certainly have plenty of misc items to use in one........... so today I shall start, thanks to you........

  9. Got here via Pinterest and love what you have done.

  10. This site just got posted on our junk journaling site. I LOVE it! I have a new journal that would be perfect to keep my random things in. Good job!

  11. thank you for sharing. you have given me ideas

  12. How do u make these there lively

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Libby hart,
    You can find my original post and the link to the tutorial I used here...
    Thank you for stopping by!

  15. I love all the various Junk Journals...since self-quarantined I am having a grand old time.
