Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Planner Pages For Your Viewing Pleasure

 I just wanted to show you a couple of pages for the last couple of weeks.  I was raiding my sticky note stash for the page above, along with some Creative Imaginations stickers.  I am continuing my "Stuff. Things." titles for my page of to do's.  I like it.  
 This page sported some stickers by Simple Stories.  
Like a goof that I can be, I threw away the paper for these border stickers...I have no idea who made them.  I did like the quote I added to the right page.  Sometimes I use that blank box for quotes, sometimes for my weekly check boxes.  Oh, if you were wondering...The E is for exercise, the J is for journaling, and the V is for vitamins.  I want to do the journaling and vitamins daily, the exercise at least three days a week.
 This page is the current week.  I tried stamping on this one.  I made a MESS of it!!!  One would think that simple stamping would be easy, I CAN'T DO IT WELL!!!  ARGH!!!  I made a mess of the middle of the page, so I covered it with a page from a notebook I have on my desk.  I think it worked well to cover it up, and give me lines to write on!
 These pages show my page of sticky quotes that I like, and then my master task list for the month.

I hope you enjoyed looking at this.  I just love this book and I use it every day.  I love to decorate it.  I usually spend some time on Saturdays figuring out what the "theme" will be for the next week.  I don't really have one for this week.  Maybe next week will be better!

Stay Crafty, My Friends!!!


  1. An amazing arc book, have just purchased mine and wondered how to start using it in a themed way. Thanks!

  2. Hi. I really like how you use your ARC planner. I have had one for several months but am only just beginning to see the possibilities of "ARCing"!

    You've given me some great ideas. Thank you so much. :)

  3. Hi. I really like how you use your ARC planner. I have had one for several months but am only just beginning to see the possibilities of "ARCing"!

    You've given me some great ideas. Thank you so much. :)

  4. thanks for sharing. gave me some ideas. kinda tired of using washi tapes all the time. need a change.
