Monday, July 11, 2022

Let Freedom Ring, A Swap Project!!

 Bobbie Weaver and I did a swap project together.  She is also a designer for Country Craft Creations, and she contacted me with a fabulous idea.  We each purchased the same paper collection from Country Craft Creations, it was Echo Park's "Let Freedom Ring".  We made a project, sent them to each other, and today was the day we both had the projects sent and we released the videos!  

We each also did a tutorial for the projects we made.  This was so much fun and Bobbie did such a wonderful job!!!  Please check out her YouTube, The Paper Jungle.

Here's the link to her tutorial for the project she made for me.

She also did a very sweet reveal of the book I made for her.

Here is the video of the GORGEOUS album she made for me!  I did a walk through and it is just wonderful!!!!

Here is the tutorial for the project I made for her...and yes, it has an "explosion book" style theme!!!

Thanks so much for watching, and have an excellent day!

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