Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

OK, better late than never! I am sitting here in my craft room and looked in my closet and spied the red and blue lunch bags I bought at Target a while ago.  They have been sitting in my closet for a long time. I decided to use what I had on hand, and used up some old product doing it.  I don't even know where I got the supplies, or what company they are from, but, in my jammies, with a cup full of coffee, this is what I created!
I had this ribbon from forever ago.  The sticker for the front...have no idea when I got that! The stars are brads from an office store, I just cut off the tines and used pop-dots to adhere.  The number stickers are Scenic Route.
I cut three tags to go into the three bags.  I used the first ever paper bag style that started me on mini albums!  Anyway, this is just a cute and quick little project that is perfect for documenting this year's celebration!

Have a crafty day!

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