Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Envelope Tutorial for a 6" Card!

I made a card using Jackie's Never Ending Card Tutorial for a friend's upcoming wedding. Jackie is SOOOOO talented!!  I was trying to figure out how to make an envelope for a 6"x6" card, and I came up with a way, using an existing envelope, so I suppose it is an "altered envelope" rather than a new one, but it works and here's how I did it.
This is a 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" envelope I bought at the local office supply store.   It is called a "catalog envelope." You really need one that opens at the end and not on the side for this.
I cut 2 1/2" off of the bottom end off to make it 7".  Then I scored a line 1/2" from the bottom (represented by the pencil mark.)
I cut off a very small wedge from each end, and then cut off  the 1/2" end on the "wrong" side of the envelope. Apply adhesive and fold over and TAA DAA!
Now you have a 6 1/2" square envelope that is perfect for a 6" square card with lots of embellishments or papers added to it.  It is a lot easier than trying to make one from cardstock, and it is the perfect weight of paper, since it is already an envelope!  Have fun creating your own envelopes for your beautiful 6" card creations!

OH, by the way, the card was for a friend who is getting married.  I made her a guest book, that post will be following soon.


  1. hi, I'm wondering what you mean when you say you cut off a small wedge from each end....what ends? Aren't you only cutting one end?...the end that folds over 1/2 inch? I am really confused and am sure it's a no brainer but thats me - NO Brain!!!!! Thanks for the tut.

  2. I just meant to cut a little triangle-shaped piece off of the 1/2" flap that folds over to create the new bottom. It just gives a nicer look when you do it before you adhere it down. If you look at the picture, the 1/2" edge has a wee bit of an angle cut off of the edges. I hope that makes sense! Let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. you figure it out...I wish to use it for Gift Card envelopes as i needed.

  4. Captivating, but i suggest rather using snapshots video is better as one can see all the steps from start to ending...Plastic Cards Printing
