Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Blog Award!!!

Jackie and I are feeling very happy and honored and just plain blown-away!  Thank you so very much for everything!!

We received the Stylish Blogger award from Artistic Inkspirations at Highdesert Stamper.  THANK YOU!

To accept, you have to tell 8 things about yourself, and pass it on to 8 other bloggers.  First the bloggers...Check out these ladies, I love their works of art, all with a unique flair all their own!!  These were hard to pick, and not in any particular order.

1.  The ladies at Counterfeit Kit Challenge
3.  Maggi at Just Beginning
4.  Kathy at Paper Phenomenon
5.  Cheryl at And U Jest
6.  Gail at Gail's Card Cafe
7.  Laura from Little Peace of My Heart

Now...about Me...

1.  I am not, I repeat, NOT a morning person.  :-)
2.  I love using coupons and hitting sales, and I tell my husband that I save him money by spending money.
3.  My favorite foods in the whole entire world are spaghetti, my Mom's fried chicken, and chocolate.
4.  Right now, I am sitting here at the computer, texting Jackie, writing this, and drinking coffee.
5.  I love cooking shows, especially any of them with Gordon Ramsey.  
6.  My husband is in a classic rock band, and the post where I did the layout of us recently...I made that sparkley shirt for his costume.
7.  I also sew all of our hats that we wear at work, as we are both OR nurses.
8.  Right now I don't know what else to share, because it is 0800 and I am still waking up!!!

Have a great day, and thanks again for awarding us this wonderful blogger award!!



  1. Thank you for sharing such great blog links! I just found a whole bunch of new ones to follow. :) Wanted to say also, that I absolutely adore your blog and lookign at all your projects. They are so inspiring. I have a huge "to try" list, and many of them are projects that you ladies have done.
    Have a great Valentines Day!

  2. thankyou i appreciate this :) Valita

  3. Thanks so much ladies!! You guys are awesome!! :) Laurel
