Monday, April 22, 2019

Lots and Lots of Videos!

I have had a busy, busy, BUSY day.  I am trying to get some projects done and videos made and I did it!
First up, my Short Chunky Mini album walk-through!  I made a video showing how this little lovely turned out.  You can find it here on my YouTube Channel.

Then, I have a video on another folio album I made, with a very neat page configuration and lots of
"page add-ons" as I am calling them.  I made it with the "Home Sweet Home" papers from Graphic 45, and it turned out lovely!

That video is here. 

Then, I made videos on how I made the "Home Sweet Home" Album...
They are listed here:

My Folio Base, Binding, and Keyhole/Ribbon Closure Tutorial
Folio Tutorial #2, Page Construction and Page Add-Ons A and B
Folio Tutorial #3, Page Add-Ons C and D
Folio Tutorial #4, Page Add-Ons C and D, Part 2

So, that's what I did today!  PHEW!

Happy Crafting!

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