Monday, June 17, 2019

Cookies, Cakes and Pie, OH MY!

Good morning!

I have been so busy in my craft room!  I am working on two projects right now for the Country Craft Creations Design Team and there is a flurry of activity in my craft room.  I will be able to show you those projects real soon, but in the meantime I wanted to share this lovely album.  
 This is a wonderful tutorial done by Tamra of Country Craft Creations, and it is her "Spring Farmhouse Tutorial".  You can find this album here.  This is the link to part 2.   I love it and plan on making more with this style. It is super cute and fun to create.
I used Authentique's "Infused" paper pad.  I found it at Tuesday Morning, and it is still in the done I frequent.

Head on over to my YouTube and check out my slideshow showing all of the goodies this album has!  Then check out Tamra's tutorial and make one for yourself!!

Have a Crafty Day!

💖 Michelle

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