Saturday, April 24, 2021

Recipe box project

 This last week has been mentally and physically brutal. My Ace is doing well, he is home from doggie ICU but still a sick pup. He is slowly getting better. Thank goodness my mom came to babysit while we had to work. (And work this week was so hard!!!). She is an absolute angel! 

 I tried to work on design team projects but my brain wasn’t able. I do have my next one ready to film, I think Monday. But I couldn’t work on the third. Sometimes to take my mind off of things and rest it a little I do tutorials from other designers. I decided to work on Jennifer Palmer’s Recipe Box. She is an amazing designer with Country Craft Creations.

It’s big enough to hold 8 1/2 x 11” printouts!!!

I had the perfect papers in my stash, and used Black Artisan Cardstock. When I was done I made a quick mini file with the leftovers.

 I had so many scraps I decided to make some patchwork paper sheets. Now I have 6 more 12x12 papers to play with!  I did a tutorial on how to do that here.

Anyway, long story but I just wanted to share. Please check out her tutorial!  I love this recipe box!  

PS:  I think the mini file may become part of a larger project I see in my future...notes are sketched!  😎

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