Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Making Flowers

 This isn't really a tutorial, but I wanted to share what I was up to during the last couple of days.

I was at the Country Craft Creations virtual retreat and one of the classes was making flowers...which got me thinking...  

Do you have a container full of petals?  Remember buying packages of flower "makings" to add to your pages and cards?  Then came along the multitudes of beautiful premade flowers and all of my petals just kind of got forgotten.  I have huge containers of them!

I dug them out and decided to make some flowers while watching Pirates of the Caribbean the other night.  It was super fun and so easy, and very relaxing.

I stacked them until I was happy with the colors, and the "fluff" of the petals and then used my tiny stapler and stapled them in the middle.  I can add centers later.  For the centers you can use buttons, gems, flat backed pearls, whatever you want.  Some of them I did add the above, and also raided my stash of brads!  I can't believe how many of those I have also!  

This was quite a stash buster, and now I have more premade flowers to use in future projects.  

This idea was born because of the Country Craft Creations virtual retreat.  If you haven't checked out this company please do.  It is an amazing place with a huge community on Facebook.  The supplies you can order are truly second to none, and the designers have a ton of free tutorials for you to use.  Give it a go...and the virtual retreats are amazing!!! 

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