Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year, New Plan, #CraftyGoals2023

 Hi, and welcome to the #Craftygoals2023 collaboration! This is a new adventure I'm starting with a group of crafty women here on YouTube and in Instagram. We are going to share with you how we are making our crafty goals come to life through the year. There will be different topics along the way, and follow-ups to share how we did, what works and what didn't for us, and maybe some hints and tips that will help you.

We are posting on the 1st of every month throughout the year. Please check out the links below for the crafty creators who are participating, and please like and subscribe so you can be notified of all of the posts. Thanks so much for watching, and lets plan to have a crafty year!!! Debbie Alley’s Project39 Mini Albums
Michelle Allen, {That's Me!}

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