Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quad Pocket Card with Doily Flower Tutorial

As promised, here is the tutorial from one of the cards I posted yesterday!  Thank you all for your kind comments about them, I really appreciate it!  

I made this card using my February kit from the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog.  My inspiration came from a mini album that I made using the same techniques found here, and from the matchbox gift boxes that people are making.  ( I have wanted to make one but I haven't yet!)

Here is how I made it...

You need four coin envelopes, measuring 2 1/2"x4 1/2" (Not including the flap!)

Cut the envelopes to 3 1/2" long to make a pocket.  Do this to four of them.

Ink the edges, and place them on a 6x6" piece of cardstock in the manner shown. This will make four pockets, each coming out of a different corner of the card.

I covered the top with the paper I wanted, and punched finger holes with a 1" punch.

I cut pieces of paper, 2"x 2 7/16" (just under 2 1/2"), and slid them into the pockets and glued them in place.  Ink the finger holes and the newly placed papers.

I cut four tags in the measurement shown, punched holes and tied ribbon to them.  I thought that the tags could have messages on them, and they are the perfect size to fit a gift card on.

This is what it looks like with the tags pulled out.  Now for the doily flower.

I used three doilies, they are about 3 1/2-4" in diameter.  I sprayed them with Glimmer Mist.  I cut the inner circle out of two of them.  Keep these circles.

I put lots of adhesive in the whole doily...

And started to stick and pleat the doily pieces around...

Gradually filling in the space and using both of the cut pieces.  Then I punched scallops from the leftover circles and crumpled them.

I layered the scallops in the center and added one of my homemade pebbles and some rhinstones to the center.

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and I look forward to seeing your versions of my card.

Stay Crafty!!


  1. The card is fantastic. Thanks for sharing the how to

  2. What a great card. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Very pretty! What clever ideas!

    Counterfeit Kit Challenge

  4. Awesome, and so creative-thanks for the doily flower idea!

  5. I love this!! The music notes are great. I have passed the Liebster blog award on to you on my blog. :)

  6. oh Wow!! That is just so creative!! I love your blog!! Love your scrappiness!! :P Hugs Kimibee

  7. Okay I stopped by for the blog hop and got distracted by this card... what a neat idea... I think I'll make a few of these and each tag could be a personal note from one of my family members

  8. What a fantastic idea!! I love this project. I may be scraplifting soon (with my counterfeit kit, of course). TFS

  9. VERY cool tutorials! thank you for sahring them with us.

  10. Amazing I love this idea
    carol x
