We are so glad you are here! We love making and sharing our projects, and we are excited to have you visiting our site. Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think!

Jackie and Michelle


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Weatherghans and Temperature Blankets

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the most awesome project idea I have seen in a while!  

I was just looking at Pinterest and saw a pin and, long story short, found out about "Weatherghans" and "Temperature Blankets".  

I saw that people are also making scarves with this idea.  The concept is simple.  First you assign colors to a range of temperatures.  You can use the chart on the site I link to below, or even pick your own colors.  Buy the yarn.  You find out the high temperature of the day, for every day of the year, and knit or crochet a row in that color for that temperature.  You can do this on a daily basis, starting in the year you are in.  Make a row every day, and by the end of the year you have an afghan!

This site, The Crochet Crowd, is awesome.  There is a download for the temperature chart, a pattern for a thermometer that you can make and appliqué to your piece, and even a chart that will tell you what hook (for crochet) to use and how many stitches to use for the size blanket you want to make.  And there's a link.  The link is to a site that is incredible.  You put in the zip code for the area you live in and the year that you want to do (in the past), and it will give you the chart for the afghan.  You can see that chart in the picture below.  
 The above picture is of the first couple of months of the year I chose.  I want to include the whole year, so I chose the Moss stitch in single crochet for my afghan.  I want it to be big, but not too big.
Here it is going into June of the year I chose.  So, I'm about half way done with this one.  When I get done I will crochet a border on it and make two more for different areas.  It's a super fun project, and simple to do.  I watch TV in the evening and crochet and it is coming along nicely!

Check out that web site and try one for yourself!  It's a great idea!!

Crochet away!


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Ruler Decor

 I found these awesome rulers in a clearance bin and picked them up, not knowing what in the world I was going to do with them.  I don't even know who makes them, but they were cool, and they were inexpensive, and I figured that I would do something with them.

Then one day I was on Pinterest and saw something similar.  You can find that here on Ana White's blog. 

I got the rulers and went through my stash of clothes pins and found these, made by Queen and Company.  

All I did was arrange the rulers and hot glue them into position.  Then I added the clothes pins and hot glued them.  I left the hangers on the ends of the rulers so that I can hang this up.  I plan to put pictures of my grandkids on this.  I haven't hung it up yet because I have to find the best possible place to put it.

I wanted to share it because it is super easy to make and will make such a cute addition to your decor.

Have a great day and stay crafty!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

My Happy Planner Sticker Book, 2.0

Hello Everyone!  

I am sitting here in my craft room, enjoying the 12" of snow outside, and thought it was a perfect time to write a post.  I hope you all are safe and warm.  We were only supposed to get 1-4" of snow, and we got 12"...It's crazy here!  I did get to enjoy some of it though, I wend sledding for the first time ever down our hill.  What fun!

I had already showed you my sticker book in a previous post.  But, I went to Michael's again and now I have to revise it!  I found alphabet stickers by Recollections that were the perfect page size to add to the book I had made.  The disks were too small, so I had to change them out for bigger ones.  I used some that I bought a while ago by Arc.  
I decided to use the small pages from my mini Happy Planner for the base of the pages.  
These are the stickers that I had in the book originally...
...And these are the ones I added.  Each book had a bazillion styles of letters.  I bought one black and one gold.

That's all I have for now.  Stay tuned for more crafty goodness.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

My Christmas Projects

 Yes, it's late, and yes, I'm sorry.  December turned out to be kind of a bust in the crafting department.  My hubby and I both got sick and things just didn't go as planned.  I did manage to make a couple of cute things though.  I thought I would share them with you.  Above is a simple plastic apothecary jar that I filled up with "snow" and a couple of Christmas figures.  It turned out adorable!
 I had this tray by 7 Gypsies forever!  I finally decided to use some Project Life cards and die cuts along with corners by Tim Holtz and make a Christmas tray decoration.  I LOVE IT!
 The Snowman, lights and snowflake are all by Darice.

  The holly on the handle is from something that I can't remember, I saved it "just in case" I needed it.
 A friend of mine gave me this exquisite box.  I decided to make a card holder from it.  I attached the ribbon in such a way so that I could remove it if I want to repurpose it into something else.

 I added a foam core pad to the bottom (not shown) that I covered in Christmas paper.  I added the Christmas balls and fir tree filler, and some card backs by Darice.  My cards will stand up nicely in this and look very awesome!
I saw this idea on the net, and decided to try it.  It is a Christmas Card tree.  The idea is that you are supposed to repurpose old Christmas cards.  I usually do other things with them, so I used Christmas card stock.  You can find the pattern here if you want to try it.    I was able to recreate the shapes on my Silhouette so cutting them out was not a problem.

That's all for today.  Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Year, A New Plan

Happy New Year!!!!  Welcome to 2017!!!

2016 has been quite a year, and now, we get to "start over" with 2017.  A lot of things have happened and a lot of things have been created.  I can't wait to "do all the things" this year!  

I want to start by saying that I am going to make it a priority of making this blog awesome.  I want to create my own things, share with you the awesome skills of others, and just plain have fun with this blog.  I am not going to get famous or rich.  I will not sell patterns or add those advertisements to my blog. I just want to have fun, and share in the creative community.  I'm going to try to do more tutorials, and more videos.   My ask of you all, is please please please let me know if you like the posts.  If you use one of my ideas, please let me know and share with others where you found it.  I am committing to doing the same for you all.  Let's make 2017 ROCK!!!

So, as the post title suggests.  Here is my new planning for 2017.  

I am in love with the Happy Planner!  I have a huge collection of stickers, papers, etc.  I use a mini planner, just for the monthly calendar and notes in my purse.  It is sort of a "jotter" or a "satellite" planner.  I can't carry my huge planner everywhere I go, so it is useful for quick notes on the run.  
 For my desk planner, I am using the Happy Planner "classic" size.  This is the upcoming week, and I tried to go with the blue/pink/gold look.  On the top row is my work schedule, and special appointments and dates.  The middle row is tasks that need to be completed on that day.  The bottom row I divided.  Above the washi is TV shows that are on that day, and on the bottom I am doing meal planning.
I have been working on a cleaning schedule to keep my house in good shape.  It's a huge task some weeks, but since I made this little plan it has worked well.  I have made this up on my computer, and just cut it out and stick it on one of the mini list pages.  I have divided my big weekly chores into four weeks of chores.  The front of the page will be a place for extra notes, shopping lists, etc.  On the top, I am trying a new way to do my 52 week savings plan.  I am going to just do $25 a week, rather than the money amount for the week (for example, Week 1 is $1, Week 2 is $2, etc.)  It ends up only being $78 dollars less a year, is simpler, and I can always add extra if I want.
 So then there is my fitness planner.  I have the stickers for this one also, and found some others in the other sticker packs that I have.  
 I found the idea on the web site for the Happy Planner.  Then did some Pinterest searching and made up this 30 day challenge page.  I am going to do a different challenge a month.  I am also going to get on that stationary bike and so more walking at work during my lunch hour.  
Here I am going to write down my diet, weight, blood pressure, etc.  Everything in one spot.  
 This planner is going to be my "4 Year Diary"  I did a 5 year diary in card form. It is so fun to go back and look at what you did on a particular day for the last 5 years.  But this was my last year and I needed a new book.  I decided to use this extra 2017 planner I had.  (Because I just couldn't resist buying the kit at Costco).  The monthly page will be a sentence entry for 2017.
Then I decided that the three columns will be for subsequent years.  This is why this one will be a 4 year diary.  One sentence about the day.  It's easy and fun, and sometimes makes me laugh out loud!
This is going to be my blog planner/craft planner.  I just did it a little different for this year.
 I just put in the month tabs and then note pages.  I am going to try to write a post weekly.  I will be able to plan, write notes, make lists, etc.  Again, all crafty stuff in one place.
I think that the month overview page will be good for future planning.  I will let you know how it works.
 I finally made a sticker book!  I decided to get all of my alphabet stickers in one spot.  I used old pages from my Happy Planner to be the base of the sticker pages.  Cut them to size, adhered them, and taa daa!

I had this band to keep it closed, and this pair of pick ups for getting them off of the sheet and placing them easy.  It works wonderful!  I think after I write this post I will make one for my fitness stickers.  

Well that's it for the planning!  It looks overwhelming, but if you put all of this stuff in one book it would be way to big!  Please let me know what you think!!!

Have a wonderful and crafty year!!!