We are so glad you are here! We love making and sharing our projects, and we are excited to have you visiting our site. Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think!

Jackie and Michelle


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Journey Album Cutting Guide


My first Design Team Project  tutorial is uploaded onto YouTube and ready to view!  HOORAY!!!

The video can be found here!

I have the measurements for all of the cardstock cutting in the video information and I also tell the dimensions as we go through the piece, but I also made a guide.  The cutting guide's purpose is so that we can maximize the use of our cardstock and not waste it.  Cardstock is precious!  

Here is the link to the PDF cutting guide so you can print it off and use it!

Journey Album Cutting Guide

Thanks for supporting me, and please let me know if you have any questions!  Also, if you do make this project I would LOVE to see it, so let me know!



Monday, June 24, 2019

Sassy Sister Swap, Matchbook Style Note Card Gift Sets

 I wanted to share with you today a swap project that I did for a wonderful, amazing and talented group of gals that I do crafting with online.  The "Sassy Sisters" had a Matchbook Notecard swap, and this is what I came up with for the project.  You know me, I can not follow directions.  The box turned out completely different than a matchbox!

We were inspired by Scrapdaworld on YouTube with her swap.  The link to her YouTube is here.
 My swap partner was Elsa, and I used a 6x6" pack of papers called "Love Letters" by First Edition.  I have had it in my stash and have used it for other projects, but this was perfect to do this swap.
 I ended up making a double drawer box to hold the goodies I wanted to send to her.
 In the bottom drawer I put the mini envelopes and cards, wrapped in lovely lace.  I also added punched hearts and butterflies for envelope seals.
In the top drawer, I created gift tags and embossed the "to and from".  I included bakers twine to tie them to the package.

Not pictured, I covered mini paper gift bags with more of the papers, I covered mini clothes pins for attaching cards to the gifts, and I sent extra papers in case she wanted to make something else with them.  I went with a whole gift theme on this one.

The project turned out super cute and we all had fun making these projects for each other.

Have a crafty day!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Journey" Album, My First Design Team Project!

I have uploaded a video of my first Design Team Project with Country Craft Creations!  Please head on over to my YouTube channel and check it out.  Tutorials are coming very soon.  
This album is full of fun interaction and will be an awesome addition to your collection.

Thanks for stopping by.

Visit Country Craft Creations for your supplies for this amazing album.   


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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mycreativeoperation/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/michellescreativeoperation/

Monday, June 17, 2019

Cookies, Cakes and Pie, OH MY!

Good morning!

I have been so busy in my craft room!  I am working on two projects right now for the Country Craft Creations Design Team and there is a flurry of activity in my craft room.  I will be able to show you those projects real soon, but in the meantime I wanted to share this lovely album.  
 This is a wonderful tutorial done by Tamra of Country Craft Creations, and it is her "Spring Farmhouse Tutorial".  You can find this album here.  This is the link to part 2.   I love it and plan on making more with this style. It is super cute and fun to create.
I used Authentique's "Infused" paper pad.  I found it at Tuesday Morning, and it is still in the done I frequent.

Head on over to my YouTube and check out my slideshow showing all of the goodies this album has!  Then check out Tamra's tutorial and make one for yourself!!

Have a Crafty Day!

💖 Michelle

Monday, June 10, 2019

Some Simple Recipe Albums

 I wanted to share a quick and easy project that I did.  I was at Tuesday morning and found the inserts for the recipe album that was put out by Project Life.  I picked up two of them, came home and went through my stash.
 For this book I used some chipboard left over from a Heidi Swapp album set that I had and it fit perfectly.
I covered the board and went through my stash of flowers and bling and made a pretty cover.  I punched holes for binder rings.
 I used a 4x6 card to create a pocket on the inside front cover.
 It is going to be a great recipe album!
At the end of the book I created a pocket page.
It turned out lovely! I bought two inserts, so I made a second album.  This time I used chipboard and created my own cover.
 I love how the embellishments turned out on the cover.

 This time I didn't make a pocket on the front inside cover.
 I did create a pocket page.
Thanks for looking!  This was a simple but fun project to do.

Stay tuned for more projects and projects for my new endeavor into the design team for Country Craft Creations!  I have lots of ideas and can't wait to share them!

Stay crafty!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

An Exciting Announcement!!!

I am so excited to be able to announce that I have been selected to be on the Country Craft Creations design team!  I am so honored to be a part of this amazing group and can’t wait to show you all of the wonderful projects using their amazing products.   I can’t wait to start this journey!  Thank you all for staying with me and sharing in my creative world! 
